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    企(qi)業(ye)產品簡單介(jie)紹 Product Profile

? 在哪(na)些 特(te)出(chu)用(yong)途(tu)行業(ye)這(zhe)個領(ling)域(yu)或(huo)預測(ce)性頂目的(de)(de)(de)氣(qi)動(dong)齒輪(lun)變(bian)速(su)箱平臺結(jie)構定(ding)做(zuo)中,結(jie)構定(ding)做(zuo)者應該遭(zao)遇不會有(you)選(xuan)用(yong)氣(qi)動(dong)組(zu)(zu)件可選(xuan)裝的(de)(de)(de)薄弱環節(jie)。系統設計(ji)“崩(beng)潰(kui)學術前沿(yan)技(ji)木(mu)供給(gei)、的(de)(de)(de)關注(zhu)特(te)出(chu)用(yong)途(tu)行業(ye)這(zhe)個領(ling)域(yu)”的(de)(de)(de)心理,當銷售市(shi)場上的(de)(de)(de)通用(yong)版型氣(qi)動(dong)組(zu)(zu)件沒能具備(bei)選(xuan)用(yong)供給(gei)時,本企業(ye)或(huo)能提供數據一(yi)整(zheng)套的(de)(de)(de)化解方案(an)設計(ji),并按需(xu)定(ding)做(zuo)生產制造需(xu)用(yong)的(de)(de)(de)氣(qi)動(dong)泵/無刷電機(ji)、氣(qi)動(dong)閥、氣(qi)動(dong)缸等(deng)整(zheng)套搭配氣(qi)動(dong)組(zu)(zu)件。

In the design of hydraulic transmission systems for some special applications or prospective research projects, designers may encounter the difficulty of having no suitable hydraulic components to choose from. When the general hydraulic components on the market can not meet the needs of client, the company may be able to provide complete sets of solutions, customize and develop the required hydraulic pump/motor, valve, cylinder and other supporting hydraulic components.

? 用戶訂(ding)購產品時僅需(xu)提出詳細使用需(xu)求,而(er)不必受限(xian)于本文所列(lie)案例(li)。

Clients only need to provide detailed requirements when ordering products, not limited to the cases listed in this article.

? ;定制液壓(ya)泵、馬達(da)、油缸時,如果沒(mei)有現貨,起(qi)訂量一般不小于10臺。

When customizing hydraulic pump, motor or cylinder, if there is no stock, the MOQ is generally not less than 10 pcs.

    HYC-M11F24L 水底驅動軟件液壓多路閥步進馬達 Hydraulic Motor Driving Underwater

? 于于落(luo)水管(guan)風輪(lun)的(de)驅動軟(ruan)件(淡水區自然環(huan)境),軸端(duan)可承載過重,這(zhe)個是需要(yao)注意(yi)的(de),液晶屏(ping)要(yao)控制在適合的(de)數量內(nei)落(luo)水管(guan)風輪(lun)計算方法力 

Suitable for driving the impeller (freshwater environment), and the shaft can bear the impeller's counter thrust 

4a069b6594fbe8047d9c81ea2ccbce5.png? 軸端設有避免異物損傷主軸密封的排污裝置 

The shaft end is provided with a blowdown device to prevent foreign matter from damaging the seal of shaft

? 公稱(cheng)排量 Nominal displacement:24cc/r 

? P口很高學習壓(ya)力 Port P max pressure : 28MPa

? T口最高的人(ren)壓強(qiang) Port T max pressure : 0.5MPa

? 額定值速比(bi) Rated speed : 2500rpm

? 軸端額定運載(zai)力(li)(li)(拉力(li)(li)) Pull capacity of shaft: 4kN 

? 旋向 Direction of rotation:逆時(shi)針 CCW 

? 含水(shui)量(liang) Weight:6.6kg

? 車輛的外形安裝尺寸請在產品手(shou)冊(ce)中獲取(qu)。

Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.


This motor is an exclusively customized product, and will not be supplied to other clients unless there is a significant difference in technical requirements.

    HYC-M11F125B 海底驅動程序氣動電(dian)機馬(ma)達 Hydraulic Motor Driving Underwater

? 采主要用于引流槳葉(xie)的控(kong)制(惠陽淡水生態(tai)),軸端可承受引流槳葉(xie)倒推力 

Suitable for driving the impeller (freshwater environment), and the shaft can bear the impeller's counter thrust 

fa494ba617f1674e5f0c2c19b3096b8.png? 公稱排量 Nominal displacement:125cc/r 

? A/B口最多阻力 Port A/B max pressure: 35MPa 

? T口極高負(fu)擔(dan) Port T max pressure: 0.4MPa

? 穩定(ding)時(shi)速 Rated speed:2000rpm

? 軸端額定的承擔(dan)專(zhuan)業能力(li)(阻力(li)/拉力(li)) Pull/push capacity of shaft: 24.5kN 

? 旋向 Direction of rotation:雙項 Bidirectional 

? 載(zai)重量 Weight:36.5kg

? 好(hao)的(de)產(chan)(chan)品的(de)形壯安轉長(chang)寬比(bi)請在(zai)好(hao)的(de)產(chan)(chan)品手則中收(shou)集(ji)。

Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.


This motor is an exclusively customized product, and will not be supplied to other clients unless there is a significant difference in technical requirements.

    HYC-M11F76B 海底驅動程序液壓多路閥起動電機 Hydraulic Motor Driving Underwater

? 采中用排水障礙道風機風葉的驅動安裝,抗沽(gu)島的海腐(fu)蝕不銹鋼,軸端可載重量排水障礙道風機風葉計算方法力 

Suitable for driving the impeller, resistant to seawater corrosion, and the shaft can bear the impeller's counter thrust 

45a9c475f6533b4dce7f9dfffcaafe1.png? 公稱排量 Nominal displacement:76cc/r

? A/B口非常高重壓(ya) Port A/B max pressure : 32MPa

? T口(kou)上限(xian)負荷 Port T max pressure : 0.5MPa 

? 額定功率時速 Rated speed : 2000rpm

? 軸(zhou)端(duan)額定承受(shou)力程度(du)(轉矩/拉力) Pull/push capacity of shaft: 10kN 

? 旋向 Direction of rotation:雙(shuang)線 Bidirectional 

? 毛重 Weight:33kg

? 品牌的外(wai)觀設計進行安裝(zhuang)尺寸(cun)規格請在品牌指(zhi)南中提取。

Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.


This motor is an exclusively customized product, and will not be supplied to other clients unless there is a significant difference in technical requirements.

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