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    服(fu)務簡價 Product Profile

? 在這些特(te)別應運(yun)各個領域行(xing)業或展望性內容的手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)傳動齒(chi)輪系(xi)統的裝修(xiu)裝修(xiu)設計中,裝修(xiu)裝修(xiu)設計者(zhe)應該面臨不會適宜(yi)手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)構(gou)件(jian)必選的困惑。運(yun)用(yong)于(yu)“運(yun)行(xing)學術(shu)前沿的技(ji)術(shu)要求、矚目特(te)別應運(yun)各個領域行(xing)業”的安全(quan)理念(nian),當整個市場上(shang)的代用(yong)型手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)構(gou)件(jian)可以具(ju)備動用(yong)要求時,本(ben)廠家或能出具(ju)電氣成(cheng)套搞定(ding)計劃方(fang)案,并按需私人訂(ding)制研發團隊流(liu)程的手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)泵/電動馬達、手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)閥、手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)缸(gang)(gang)等配(pei)建(jian)手(shou)動油(you)(you)(you)缸(gang)(gang)構(gou)件(jian)。

In the design of hydraulic transmission systems for some special applications or prospective research projects, designers may encounter the difficulty of having no suitable hydraulic components to choose from. When the general hydraulic components on the market can not meet the needs of client, the company may be able to provide complete sets of solutions, customize and develop the required hydraulic pump/motor, valve, cylinder and other supporting hydraulic components.


? 用戶訂購產品時僅需提(ti)出詳細使用需求,而不必受限(xian)于本文(wen)所列案例。

Clients only need to provide detailed requirements when ordering products, not limited to the cases listed in this article.

? 定制液壓泵(beng)、馬達、油(you)缸(gang)時,如(ru)果(guo)沒有現貨(huo),起訂量一般不小于10臺。

When customizing hydraulic pump, motor or cylinder, if there is no stock, the MOQ is generally not less than 10 pcs.

? 液壓系統閥一般(ban) 僅隨結合主設備(bei)混著(zhu)可以提(ti)供(gong),不做另外備(bei)貨(huo),數百(bai)名(ming)量(liang)質感包括但(dan)不限于。

The company does not accept individual orders for hydraulic valves, except in large quantities.

    HYC-VRCB1 溢流&平衡閥 Relief & Counterbanlance Valve

? 專為(wei)EHA研制,在優化EHA性能的(de)同時,簡化了液(ye)壓回路,有利于(yu)EHA的(de)小型化和輕量化 

Specially developed for EHA, it optimizes the performance of EHA while simplifying the hydraulic circuit, which is conducive to the miniaturization and lightweight of EHA 

357fc2dc3fd162a4378e67c7ad75d0d.png? 適用于EHA的位置保持,以及保證負負載工況下的平穩運行 

Suitable for EHA's position holding and smooth operation under the negative load 

? 平衡點閥(fa)開(kai)放氣(qi)壓與泵(beng)的背(bei)壓氣(qi)壓不是 

The opening pressure of the valve is independent of the back pressure of the pump 

? 借(jie)助(zhu)調整先導閥芯可(ke)取得不(bu)同于(yu)的設定(ding)比 

Different pilot control ratios can be obtained by replacing the pilot spool 

? 額定值的(de)流量(liang) Rated flow:15LPM 

? 額定重壓(ya) Rated pressure :30MPa 

? 管理(li)比 Pilot control ratio:3.8;6.8 

? 載重量 Weight:140g



Comparison of EHA hydraulic circuits using conventional counterbalance valves and relief & counterbalance valves

    HYC-VFM1 流量數據配備閥 Flow Matching Valve

? 適用于(yu)執(zhi)行機構為非對稱油缸的EHA,標準閥(fa)板式安裝;


Suitable for EHA whose actuator is asymmetrical cylinder, the standard valve is plate-mounted;  

According to the needs, the spool can also be embedded with the pump's cover 

? 穩定手機流(liu)量 Rated flow:5LPM 

? 特(te)殊(shu)經濟壓力 Rated pressure:30MPa 

? 標閥重(zhong) Weight of standard valve:340g

    HYC-VRHS1 機械(xie)助力基本模式自(zi)動(dong)的設(she)置成閥 Automatic Switching Valve with Power Assisted Mode

8bab60be407c3c47bd69e19378032e4.png? 為(wei)外人體肌肉(rou)制造技術,兼而有(you)之手動回轉閥(fa)和健康閥(fa)效(xiao)果(guo) 

Developed for exoskeleton, and functions as both an automatic reversing valve and a safety valve  

? 額定值2g流(liu)量 Rated flow:5LPM 

? 功率負(fu)壓 Rated pressure:30MPa

? 總重(zhong)量(liang) Weight:22g

? 手動液壓閥(fa)一(yi)般而言僅隨集成式系統在一(yi)起出具,不展開分次購貨,陸續(xu)量(liang)網上訂單以(yi)外  

The company does not accept individual orders for hydraulic valves, except in large quantities

? 日韩国产精品视频_国产精品va在线观看手机版_一区二区3区免费视频_亚洲图区欧美 日韩国产精品视频_国产精品va在线观看手机版_一区二区3区免费视频_日韩欧美**字幕