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    新產品百(bai)度百(bai)科 Product Profile

? 在個別(bie)唯一性(xing)采用(yong)(yong)(yong)行業(ye)行業(ye)或展望性(xing)內容的(de)夜壓(ya)鏈轉向系統化設(she)計的(de)方法(fa)中,設(she)計的(de)方法(fa)者會碰到還(huan)沒有適用(yong)(yong)(yong)于(yu)夜壓(ya)電子器(qi)件(jian)待選的(de)困(kun)局。鑒于(yu)“初始化失敗學術前沿高(gao)技(ji)術使用(yong)(yong)(yong)需求分(fen)析(xi)、特別(bie)關(guan)注(zhu)唯一性(xing)采用(yong)(yong)(yong)行業(ye)行業(ye)”的(de)工(gong)作(zuo)理(li)念,當市揚上的(de)基礎型夜壓(ya)電子器(qi)件(jian)無法(fa)滿(man)意運用(yong)(yong)(yong)使用(yong)(yong)(yong)需求分(fen)析(xi)時,本總部或能供應(ying)一整套的(de)應(ying)對方法(fa),并按需制作(zuo)研發項目管(guan)理(li)流程(cheng)的(de)夜壓(ya)泵(beng)/無刷(shua)電機(ji)、夜壓(ya)閥、夜壓(ya)缸等(deng)智能化夜壓(ya)電子器(qi)件(jian)。

In the design of hydraulic transmission systems for some special applications or prospective research projects, designers may encounter the difficulty of having no suitable hydraulic components to choose from. When the general hydraulic components on the market can not meet the needs of client, the company may be able to provide complete sets of solutions, customize and develop the required hydraulic pump/motor, valve, cylinder and other supporting hydraulic components.

? 用(yong)戶訂購產品時僅需(xu)提出詳細使用(yong)需(xu)求,而不必受限于本文(wen)所列案例。

Clients only need to provide detailed requirements when ordering products, not limited to the cases listed in this article.

? 定制液壓泵、馬達、油缸時(shi),如果沒有現貨(huo),起(qi)訂量一(yi)般不小于10臺。

When customizing hydraulic pump, motor or cylinder, if there is no stock, the MOQ is generally not less than 10 pcs.

    HYC-M12F25B 深(shen)海(hai)驅(qu)動液壓馬(ma)達 Hydraulic Motors Driving in the Deep Sea

? 選使用(yong)3000米海洋深處安裝驅動,抗這里的(de)海水金屬腐(fu)蝕(shi) 

accd43b471b6c379ec1d4000108373e.pngSuitable for driving in the deep sea, resistant to corrosion

? 條件油箱開關搭(da)配出(chu)水量(liang)補(bu)償金(jin)器 

The tank is required to be equipped with water pressure compensator

? 公(gong)稱排量 Nominal displacement:25cc/r

? A/B口最底負(fu)荷(he) Port A/B max pressure:海阻力 Seawater pressure + 28MPa 

? T口是最高的壓力差(cha) Port T max pressure :的海水心理壓力 Seawater pressure + 0.3MPa

? 特(te)殊轉速比 Rated speed :2500rpm

? 旋向 Direction of rotation:交叉 Bidirectional 

? 單重 Weight:13.5kg

? 好產品設備的外貌裝寬度請在好產品設備指南中(zhong)得到 。

Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.

    HYC-M12F43B 淺(qian)海驅動(dong)下載液壓油泵啟動(dong)馬達 Hydraulic Motors Driving in the Deep Sea

? 適用人群于3000米海洋深處驅動軟(ruan)件,抗海域被腐蝕 

ba3f7cf1966f1ee623f84adcaee8b3c.pngSuitable for driving in the deep sea, resistant to corrosion

? 的標準機油箱(xiang)手機配置水(shui)量賠償金器 

The tank is required to be equipped with water pressure compensator

? 公稱排量 Nominal displacement:43cc/r 

? A/B口最(zui)高的工作壓(ya)力 Port A/B max pressure:這里的海水工作壓(ya)力 Seawater pressure + 28MPa 

? T口(kou)最高的重壓 Port T max pressure :海(hai)水壓 Seawater pressure + 0.3MPa 

? 電機額定功率(lv)轉數 Rated speed :2200rpm 

? 旋向(xiang) Direction of rotation:橫(heng)向(xiang) Bidirectional 

? 質量 Weight:17.6kg

? 服(fu)務的性能(neng)裝有尺碼(ma)請在服(fu)務指南中(zhong)得到。

Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.

    HYC-M12F120B 海底驅動程(cheng)序油缸起動電機 Hydraulic Motors Driving in the Deep Sea

? 采用以3000米海(hai)底(di)推動,抗的海(hai)水蝕化 

81cb9aa20a720360355188709d0581a.pngSuitable for driving in the deep sea, resistant to corrosion 

? 規范要求機油箱性(xing)能壓力拆遷(qian)補償器 

The tank is required to be equipped with water pressure compensator 

? 公(gong)稱排(pai)量 Nominal displacement:120cc/r 

? A/B口最多壓 Port A/B max pressure:大海氣(qi)壓 Seawater pressure + 35MPa

? T口最好(hao)壓 Port T max pressure :海域心理壓力 Seawater pressure + 0.3MPa 

? 額定負載轉速 Rated speed :2000rpm

? 旋向(xiang) Direction of rotation:雙(shuang)軌 Bidirectional

? 含水(shui)量(liang) Weight:50.5kg

? 設備的外型組裝長寬比請在設備參考手冊中提取。

Mounting dimensions of the product can be obtained in Product Manual.          

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