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    產品簡介 Product Profile  


? HYC-EHA系(xi)列產品智能靜液(ye)作(zuo)動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)器(qi)(qi),是種集成為(wei)變(bian)頻(pin)電動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)機驅(qu)(qu)動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)器(qi)(qi)控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi)器(qi)(qi)控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi)變(bian)頻(pin)電動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)機、 雙重齒(chi)輪泵(beng)泵(beng)(入進油(you)放向可逆轉)、閥(fa)組、履行(xing)組織構造(油(you)缸或變(bian)頻(pin)電動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)機)、還有油(you)廂(xiang)、過濾系(xi)統器(qi)(qi)、傳控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi)器(qi)(qi)器(qi)(qi)等氧化硅開關元件的整(zheng)套(tao)靜液(ye)機械傳動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)設備。使(shi)用(yong)(yong)泵(beng)控(kong)容量控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi),用(yong)(yong)改動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)變(bian)頻(pin)電動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)機驅(qu)(qu)動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)器(qi)(qi)控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi)器(qi)(qi)控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi)變(bian)頻(pin)電動(dong)(dong)(dong)(dong)機旋向和時速來(lai)控(kong)制(zhi)(zhi)履行(xing)組織構造啟用(yong)(yong)放向和啟用(yong)(yong)速度快。

    HYC-EHA series Electro-Hydrostatic Actuator is a complete set of hydrostatic transmission device  that integrates servo motor, bidirectional pump, valves, and auxiliary components such as tank, filters and sensors. With the characteristics of pump-controlled volume speed regulation, the actuator can be manipulated by adjusting rotation direction and speed of servo motor.

? EHA將(jiang)油(you)壓(ya)機(ji)模式(shi)的趨(qu)勢構(gou)(gou)件(jian)、調整構(gou)(gou)件(jian)、進行構(gou)(gou)件(jian)和輔助軟件(jian)構(gou)(gou)件(jian)融(rong)合整體,裝置平面布置靈便,用到便利店(dian)加盟。

     EHA integrates power components, control components, actuators and auxiliary components of  the hydraulic system, making it flexible in installation layout and easy to use.

? EHA普通通過閉式(shi)漏(lou)電開關,可根據詳細安全使用消費需求,也能能設定為閉式(shi)漏(lou)電開關或半閉式(shi)漏(lou)電開關。

    EHA is usually designed with a closed circuit, and may also be an open or semi-open circuit according to the specific needs.

? 本大(da)公司研制成功(gong)的四象限進行高壓(ya)軸向液壓(ya)柱塞泵(beng)泵(beng),特(te)別的適宜于EHA。

    The four-quadrant high pressure piston pump developed by our company is especially suitable for EHA.

? 本新(xin)公司為EHA制造(zao)的底濾(lv)&穩(wen)定性閥,在(zai)升級EHA工做效能的一(yi)并,同比簡單化液(ye)壓系(xi)統管路,一(yi)體化閥塊外貌體型更(geng)小,含量更(geng)輕(qing)。

    The relief & counterbalance valve developed by our company for EHA can dramatically simplify the hydraulic circuit while improving the working performance of EHA. The integrated valve block is smaller in shape and lighter in weight.

? 本(ben)我司為EHA制造的(de)流量數(shu)據(ju)配(pei)比(bi)閥(fa),常采(cai)用完成組織 為非相交油缸的(de)APP要。該(gai)閥(fa)規定(ding)品(pin)牌為板試(shi)安裝使用,也可嵌入(ru)于泵的(de)軸套(tao)內部,很好提升(sheng)EHA智能家居控制化情況(kuang)。

   The flow-matching valve developed by our company for EHA is suitable for applications where the actuator is an asymmetric cylinder. The standard product of the valve is plate-mounted, and it can also be embedded in the pump to effectively improve the integration degree of EHA.

? EHA常分為封(feng)閉性式(shi)黏性機副箱(xiang)體內中,以(yi)便于(yu)EHA可作業于(yu)不同(tong)狀態。基于(yu)實際上進行(xing)讓,供選擇擇分為發動(dong)機活塞式(shi)增壓(ya)機副箱(xiang)體內中,或(huo)安全氣(qi)囊式(shi)增壓(ya)/過熱(re)蒸汽機副箱(xiang)體內中。

    EHA is usually designed with a closed elastic tank so that it can work in any posture. According to the specific requirements, you can choose to use piston-type pressurized tank or bag-type pressurized/atmospheric-pressure tank.

? 當應用(yong)軟件室內環境為(wei)海(hai)洋深處時,本集團先為(wei)EHA性(xing)能(neng)出水量(liang)補嘗(chang)器,使(shi)EHA組(zu)織(zhi)結構(gou)阻力與外面出水量(liang)實(shi)時的相匹配。

    When applied to the deep sea, the EHA can be configured with a water pressure compensator, so that the internal pressure of the EHA is matched with the external pressure in real time.

? 必備時本(ben)工(gong)廠為EHA研(yan)發專(zhuan)業(ye)的液壓(ya)油(you)缸閥,以保證 特色工(gong)作(zuo)具體各種(zhong)需求(qiu)或特色安裝使用具體各種(zhong)需求(qiu)。

    If necessary, our company can develop special hydraulic valves for EHA to meet particular requirements.

? 區別功(gong)用的EHA,按照功(gong)能(neng)鍵調試(shi)耍求平常(chang)也區別,故EHA常(chang)常(chang)為定制開發產(chan)品的,選擇型號前請與(yu)本工司展開能(neng)力(li)(li)溝通能(neng)力(li)(li)。

    Generally, the specific configuration parameters of EHA varies when for different purposes, so EHA is usually a customized product. Please communicate with our company before selection.

    型號說明 Type Explanation



    The EHA hydraulic power source can be supplied separately, and the product type no longer contains the actuator parameters, which would be written in the form of "HYC-EHA.PS1kW-*".


    Due to the diversity of application requirements, EHA with the same basic model may have large differences in specific functions and configurations, so ususlly it is necessary to add a custom code for distinction. If the client does not specify, the custom code would be designed by the company.

? 在必(bi)要的(de)時,本機構將(jiang)會對新產品(pin)應用織造游(you)戲規則采(cai)取審訂,進貨(huo)前請與本機構要確認。

If necessary, the company may revise the naming rules of product model.  Please confirm with the company before ordering.

EHA類型油缸電路 Typical Circuit of EHA


履行系統為雙用途中心對(dui)稱油缸 The actuator is a double-acting symmetrical cylinder


強制(zhi)執行醫院為雙用途非中心對稱缸 The actuator is a double-acting asymmetric cylinder


實施學校為(wei)帶螺(luo)旋(xuan)彈簧歸零的(de)單功用(yong)缸 The actuator is a single-acting cylinder with a spring-return device


執行力醫(yi)療機構為人權懸浮的(de)單用缸 The actuator is a floating single-acting cylinder


For applications with high response requirements, the actuator will be preferentially selected as a double-acting symmetrical cylinder.


The typical hydraulic circuits are only used to explain how EHA works, which is designed according to the specific needs of client.

    EHA典型案例 Typical Case of  EHA


Notes: The company has rich experience in EHA’s development and has implemented many cases. Here, only some representative cases are selected for display. Clients only need to provide detailed requirements when ordering products, not limited to the cases listed in this article.


? 大致型號查詢 Basic type:HYC-EHA1kW-L50kN/100mm 

? 實施醫(yi)療機構 Actuator:雙用處呈對稱(cheng)缸 Symmetrical cylinder  

? 某些原因分析 Notes:對側帶穩定性(xing)閥;帶位移傳(chuan)感(gan)(gan)應器(qi)器(qi)原理器(qi)和壓力差(cha)傳(chuan)感(gan)(gan)應器(qi)器(qi)原理器(qi) 

Counterbalance valves on both sides; Equipped with displacement sensor and pressure sensor


? 常規型號查詢 Basic type:HYC-EHA1.6kW-L6kN/170mm 

? 執行命(ming)令構造(zao) Actuator:雙(shuang)效(xiao)果對(dui)稱軸(zhou)缸 Symmetrical cylinder  

? 另外(wai)的描述 Notes:原因源(yuan)與執行(xing)程序器(qi)工作(zuo)設計(ji)制(zhi)作(zuo);單(dan)側帶平衡性閥; 


The actuator installed separately from the power source; Counterbalance valves on both sides;Quick reset with a solenoid valve (spring-return)


? 一般類型 Basic type:HYC-EHA1kW-L50kN/50mm

? 運行裝(zhuang)置 Actuator:雙功效(xiao)相交缸 Symmetrical cylinder  

? 另一個闡明 Notes:右(you)側帶和平閥;帶位移調節器(qi)器(qi)和負壓調節器(qi)器(qi);


Counterbalance valve on single side; Equipped with displacement sensor and pressure sensor;

Quick reset with a solenoid valve (spring-return)


? 大多形號 Basic type:HYC-EHA0.6kW-L20kN/100mm 

? 進行醫院 Actuator:雙做用對應點缸 Symmetrical cylinder 

? 相(xiang)關說 Notes:單(dan)側帶平衡點閥(fa);帶位移傳調(diao)節(jie)器(qi)器(qi)和壓力(li)值傳調(diao)節(jie)器(qi)器(qi);導電磁(ci)閥(fa)應(ying)對回(hui)轉 

Counterbalance valves on both sides; Equipped with displacement sensor and pressure sensorSolenoid valve for emergency reversing


? 首要款式 Basic type:HYC-EHA0.4kW-L20kN/100mm 

? 制定培訓機構 Actuator:雙的功效非中心對(dui)稱缸 Asymmetrical cylinder 

? 相關代(dai)表(biao) Notes:右側帶(dai)(dai)穩定閥;帶(dai)(dai)各種(zhong)壓力感知(zhi)器和(he)高溫感知(zhi)器 

Counterbalance valve on single side;  Equipped with pressure sensor and temperature sensor


? 基本的類型 Basic type:HYC-EHA23kW-L100kN/460mm

? 制定系統 Actuator:雙效果非軸對稱缸 Asymmetrical cylinder 

? 另外說 Notes:兩側帶失衡(heng)閥 ;帶壓力值感知器 

Counterbalance valves on both sides; Equipped with pressure sensor


? 通常產品型號 Basic type:HYC-EHA0.4kW-L52kN/50mm

? 程序(xu)執行培訓(xun)機構 Actuator:雙效用非等勢面(mian)缸 Asymmetrical cylinder 

? 其他(ta)描述 Notes:沒有動平衡(heng)機閥;帶位移傳(chuan)溫度(du)感(gan)應(ying)器(qi)器(qi)器(qi)和負壓傳(chuan)溫度(du)感(gan)應(ying)器(qi)器(qi)器(qi) 

No counterbalance valve ; Equipped with displacement sensor and pressure sensor


? 關鍵應用 Basic type:HYC-EHA1kW-L47kN/300mm-DS 

? 制定組織 Actuator:雙目的(de)非中心對稱缸 Asymmetrical cylinder  

? 一(yi)些解(jie)釋(shi) Notes:適于于大海(hai)學習環境,抗海(hai)洋腐(fu)蝕性;帶(dai)(dai)位移傳傳感系(xi)統器;帶(dai)(dai)水位補嘗器 

Suitable for deep-sea environment,  resistant to seawater corrosion; Equipped with displacement sensor and water pressure compensator


? 通常規格型號 Basic type:HYC-EHA0.3kW-L3kN/100mm 

? 實施組織機構 Actuator:單(dan)功用柱塞(sai)泵缸 Plunger-type cylinder

? 另一個反映 Notes:凈重僅1.44kg;帶壓強感應器器;帶推動模式自動更改閥,無刷高壓電機停轉后油缸處在透明桌面情況,無刷高壓電機開始后智能開啟為工做模式切換 

Weighs only 1.44kg ;Equipped with pressure sensor and automatic switching valve with power assisted mode, the cylinder is in suspension after the motor stops, then automatically switches to the working mode once the motor starts

? 国产视频福利一区_亚洲欧洲综合_日本精品_精品国产亚洲一区二区在线3d 国产视频福利一区_亚洲欧洲综合_日本精品_思思99精品国产自在现线